Tohoshinki – Vivi Magazine 10 Interview

De Jovenes a Adultos (traducción en proceso)

Tohoshinki, que comenzaron sus actividades este año. Ha sido un año y medio desde la última sesión de Vivi..

… Siendo asi, a sido un largo tiempo, reuniendonos con ellos y la inmadures ya no estaba ahi. Tuvimos la oportunidad de escuchar al dúo que ya han entrado en la edad adulta, sobre sus recuerdos y su propia evolución…

Acerca del Amor

Los puntos de vista fundamentales del amor, no han cambido para ambos

El mayor interes despues de todos estos cambios es su punto de vista en el amor, ¿hubo algún cambio en la búsqueda del amor??

YH: Me gustan las chicas alegres y aquellas que buscan mis opiniones. No hay mucho grandes cambios en eso, pero, recientemente he añadido el que "tienen que cocinar bien" pre-equisite. Pero otra vez, Amo ambas Comidas Coreana y Japonesa. Creo que no importa lo que ella haga para mí, siempre sera delicioso, teniendo la confianza en sí misma!

CM: El pre-requisito para la mía nunca ha cambiado. Tener atención sobre la familia, y más alegre y optimista que yo, me gustan las chicas que esperan en la vida. No creo que me cambie en el futuro..

 YH: My view on love won’t change as well, most probably. I think that it is important for guys to have a sense of responsibility. In the past, I have this strong thought of “wanting to date and get married no matter what”, but now, I think I would wait till I’m able to be responsible to her. It’s fine even if there’s no dating.
 I’ve changed to have such a thought. As compared to that I would want to work hard on my work instead. If I had some free time, then I would date. I’m not in a rush and it’s okay since I’m still young, thus it’s fine! I cast such a spell on myself. (laughs)

 CM: When I was in my younger days, I have not much interest in girls as I feel that if I prioritised girls matter, I would not be able to attain much achievements. Though I am still retaining bits of such belief, I think I’ve changed for the better.

In the previous ViVi interview, Yunho said, “Because I don’t really understand girls thus was troubled.” How about now?

 YH: I’m still not understanding. The most difficult to understand in this world is women. The longer time goes, the more difficult it is to understand… But on contrary, I think it is good too. I might discover a side that I did not know and even though it is a negative trait, it still feels refreshing.

CM: I don’t understand women~ From last time till now too. I don’t think I would in the future either. But I did not have the thought that if I understood, I would conclude it!

Acerca de mí

Thanks to Changmin, I have become punctual and neat. (laughs)

ViVi did the following personality analysis for the both of them one and half year ago.

YH – Kindness 4, Methodicalness 1, Optimistic 5, Strong determination 3, Calmness 2

CM – Kindness 3, Methodicalness 3, Optimistic 2, Strong determination 3, Calmness 4

YH: For methodicalness, I think I am able to reach 2 points now, thanks to Changmin. That is because if I continue living my way being disorganized and messy, Changmin would hate it…

CM: The methodicalness of Yunho, it still has to be improved. (laughs) My change… in fact, for the 2 points in brightness, that was actually faked. I probably just able to reach 2 now. On the other hand for calmness, I think I’ve changed to 1. Because it is currently summer and I’m easily agitated when it’s hot. Thus when it reaches winter, I would return to what I used to be. (laughs)

Thinking back on the days when you all just debuted, which aspects did you changed the most?

YH: I think I became less easily worried. In the past, I will not allow myself to have any mistakes in dancing, but now I think the blunder could be an interesting tidbit isn’t it? I’ve changed to think this way. From a perfectionist to a free person. (laughs)

CM: For me, I’ve grown to slowly appreciate myself. In the past, I would critically self blame or throw tamtrum at myself.

YH: And Changmin, he used to be a person who would think to himself “What to do, what to do” upon any small problem. Recently he would discuss with me or the staffs. He has been working hard to be a more cheerful person and I think this is very good.

CM: If compared to the past, it probably is better. But what never changed was my intolerance. Although I am trying hard to…

Acerca del a-nation

a-nation is an event that could relay the history of Tohoshinki

By the time the october issue of ViVi is released, it would be a-nation’s final performance in Tokyo, right?

CM: It is a stage that we have been away for two years.

YH: a-nation is the event Tohoshinki has been participating since our newbie days. Its meaning, it is such an event that accounts the history and evolvement of Tohoshinki. In Tohoshinki’s song list, we have prepared a lot of songs that can heighten the spirits of everyone, thus please come and listen.

CM: Just like what YH said, a-nation is an evidence of Tohoshinki’s evolvement. Although we are still very scared of the heat, but when we were newbies, we stood and performed on that stage in bright daylight under the heat. But as we slowly evolved, we are able to stand on the stage in a cooler period of time at night. I am the happiest for this. (laughs) Thus, I think we are still able to give the best performance without losing to the hot summer.

YH: Whatever that we can think of, we will show it to everyone!

Acerca de su nuevo Album

Vocal, Atmosphere… Everything, have became more manly!

It has been two and a half years for the release of a new album?

YH: Yes., it’s been so long. We finally had a chance to let everyone hear about Tohoshinki’s album. I am happy.

CM: Not only the songs, but it’s a full atmospheric package. It is such an album that will be able to spread to everyone that we have become even more manly.

YH: The comparison of the music from before, it should be able to let others know that we have matured. Although there are a lot of dance songs, but not only these, there are also ballads and soul. It has a wide range of genres. In conclusion, it is an album that we are confident of. It is difficult to describe it clearly with only words. Therefore everyone, please do listen to this album as it contains everything that we had wanted to relay to everyone.

CM: You concluded it well! (laughs)

About Real Voice

The personality test from a year and a half ago, if we were to do it now!?

Previously we did a personality test, we are doing it again. What animal do you like?

YH: I like leopard. It has its own target and will work hard to reach its target. I think it is very cool.

CM: I like dog. It is gentle and cute, isn’t it?

In fact the reason for choosing the animal that you like, it’s not about the animal. It’s about yourselves and the traits where you wished to be praised by others.

CM: I’m gentle……? Ah ah ah ah~?

YH: Changmin is really cute and very gentle. (laughs) I think mine is rather accurate.

This test, we did it one and half year ago. Yunho chose the same answer then.

YH: Hm, no change.

Changmin said that he likes deer. The reason is that, “The neck is very long and has a beautiful svelte figure.” (laughs)

CM: In fact for this time, I was choosing my answer between dog and deer. Yup, I am still concerned with my slender neck….

credit: neverend
trans by:
Traduccion al Español: LovelessNaoko@Shim-Changmin.blogspot

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