Tohoshinki en NHK Music Japan [Traducción]

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It is very warm in summer, everyone, are you prepared to avoid heat illness? Today, we have invited the 2 members of Tohoshinki, and will introduce you the goodies to avoid heat illness.

Perfume: It is in the midst of summer. Tohoshinki members, do you like summer?
Yunho: I love summer. My nickname is “Natsuotoko (T/N: summer man)”.
Perfume: “Natsuotoko!” Oh, Natsuotoko- san.
MC: In summer, what do you like to do?
Yunho: I like Suikawari (watermelon breaking), and if you say summer, the beach.
Perfume:Do you swim?
Yunho: I am not good at swimming.

Perfume: You go to the beach and play around…
Changmin: Yes, he surely isn’t a good swimmer.
Perfume: Do you know?
Yunho: Changmin is a better swimmer.
Perfume: So are you good at swimming?
Changmin: Well, I’m not so good, but a better swimmer than Yunho.
Perfume: So your swimming is...

So, let’s go on introducing the goodies to avoid heat illness.

Perfume: Here it is! It is a regular umbrella, a parasol.
Yunho: It isn’t a regular umbrella…
Perfume: The outside is black, and the inside is silver.
MC: Maybe they should hold it in their hands.
Perfume: Yes. So here it is
Changmin: Yes
Yunho: Come near. Come nearer.
Perfume: Let him in the umbrella.
Yunho: Good.
MC:&Perfume: Cool! Cool!
Perfume: You can shade the sun. Can you please push the orange button there?
Yunho&Changmin: WOW!
Perfume: The wind. It is an electric fan.
Changmin: Oh, electric fan!
Perfume: Yes, it is a parasol with an electric fan!
Yunho&Changmin: OHHHHHHHH~~~~~
Yunho: I really think this is fabulous!
Changmin: Can you tilt the umbrella?
Perfume:Maybe there, it will come out……
MC: The battery will come out.. .
Yunho: Oh, oh, what shall we do?
Perfume: Oh, no… it came out…
Changmin: OK, I got it.
Yunho: We’re sorry.
Perfume: I think you will participate in many summer festivals, or your waiting time during drama filming…
Yunho: It is so comfortable.. I’m getting sleepy.
Perfume: Are you getting sleepy?
Yunho:  I think it is a wonderful product, a kind which I’ve never seen.
MC:&Perfume: You’ve got it!
Changmin: It seems expensive.
MC: It is about 3000 yen (T/N: USD 38)
Yunho: Really?
Changmin: It is unexpectedly cheap.
Yunho:  I will buy it!

Perfume: The next is this product. This is a bottle. Can you please take it in your hands?
Changmin: Yes.
Perfume: When you pull the black part on top, you can drink, as regular bottles.
Changmin: Yes
Perfume: But the difference with the regular bottles is that… there is a part sticking out, on the side of the bottle… that place. Can you please push the button, keeping the bottle a little bit away from your face?
Perfume: It may be near Yunho-san’s face.
Changmin: Here? Oh, here.
Perfume: Can you keep the bottle away from you, and push.
Yunho&Changmin: OH~
Perfume: Mist comes out.
Yunho&Changmin: OHHH~~~
Perfume: On warm days, outside…
MC: Oh, an idea seems to pop into your mind.
Changmin: We have our makeup on…
Perfume: You have your makeup on, and your costume..
Changmin: OHH~
Perfume: There is an important point. The mist is the drink inside the bottle.
Yunho:  OHHH~
Perfume: So
Yunho:  You cannot put in Cola..
Perfume: Your skin will become sticky…if it was juice or sports drinks..
Changmin: This is good.
Yunho: Yes, good. Very nice.
Changmin: Yes, yes, yes.
Yunho: How do you think about this product, Changmin?
Changmin: Good. I think it is a good idea.
Yunho:  Only that?
Changmin: During the live, the MC time, we can drink and together make mists,
Yunho: I think we really need this.
Yunho: Buy it for me.
Changmin: Yes, sir!
Perfume: So he will buy …OK.. thank you for your purchase.

Perfume:The next is the “Cooling power spray”. The cool foam hardens, and the place will be cooled. Thus your body will be cooled.
Changmin: Ohhh
Perfume: Will you try it?
Changmin: Yes, yes, yes.
Perfume: Are you all right? It will be a problem if I spray it on your costume.
Changmin: It’s all right. This isn’t my own clothes.
All: (LOL)
Perfume: But it is your precious costume. It is a little bit vigorous, so please do not be surprised. You have to shake the bottle, and here we go! If you circle your wrist, it will be like a wrist band.
Yunho&Changmin: OHHHHH~
Perfume: How do you feel?
Changmin: It is really cool.
Perfume:Yes, it is cool.
Yunho: Yes, it is cool.
Perfume: After it hardens, you can easily take it off. After it finishes cooling…Yunho-san, will you try it, too?
Yunho: Yes, thank you… oh, good. It is cool.
Changmin: You can easily take it off.
Perfume: Yes, you can. The coolness continues.
Changmin: Ohh.. Are you all right?
Yunho:  It is much cooler than you expected.

Source: Ameba @ vimeo
Translation: smiley @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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